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Зоркое Око (Мониторинг)
sokolovaДата: Четверг, 01.03.2012, 10:16 | Сообщение # 2341
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В США начались испытания электромагнитной пушки для боевых кораблей
sokolovaДата: Четверг, 01.03.2012, 11:14 | Сообщение # 2342
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Наши тоже не дремлют!
Загоризонтная радиолокация в нашей стране совершает качественный рывок.Российская газета
AnnuДата: Пятница, 02.03.2012, 21:53 | Сообщение # 2343
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На солнце вспышка. Нужно быть внимательнее.

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ВасяДата: Пятница, 02.03.2012, 22:47 | Сообщение # 2344
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С астрологической точки зрения 1-4 марта - Геокосмический резонанс

На 1 марта у Земли квадрат с Меркурием, секстиль (60 градусов) с Венерой и почти точное объединение с Марсом. И у нас с Марсом – полуквадрат с Сатурном. Вечером сияют Венера и совсем близко от нее Юпитер; два дня назад в их группе была Луна. В геоцентрической системе координат это – важный резонансный аспект.

Совпадения по астрлог. прогнозам наблюдаются - Солнце "реагирует" на определённые резонансные аспекты.

xamoДата: Суббота, 03.03.2012, 06:25 | Сообщение # 2345
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Полный разнос Вилкока

Он занимается плагиатом и работает на "Нью Эйдж".
Я давно об это говорил...

David Wilcock Admits Fraud to William Henry !! (UPDATE!!!)
William Henry in an interview with Randy Maugans has not only identified direct and repeated plagiarism (copyright violations?) by David Wilcock of henry's personal data, Henry also reports that Wilcock admitted to several additional fraudulent abuses..

Henry categorically calls out Wilcock for "scanning my FREEDOM"S GATE: THE LOST SYMBOLS IN THE U.S. CAPITOL book and putting it wholesale into his presentations with the slimmest of possible attributions then butchered the results....passing himself off as an authority using other people's material with full knowledge of absolutely twisting my words and conclusions...I talked to David about it and got him to fess up and to a couple other instances of misuse of material as well".

Henry and Randy Maugans, who selectively fingered Wilcock, Kerry Cassidy, Richard Hoagland and other alt media celebs as unaccountable for their "serious game playing", strongly suggested that Wilcock et al have evolved into nothing more than "tabloid entertainment". That the "behavior of these people be placed under continual and repetitive scrutiny" or the result could be..."the bringing down of the entire (alt media) industry)".

There are several other phrases used such as "intentionally misleading" and Maugans closed the interview with a comment to William Henry that "Gentlemen, that was certainly needed, boy!" in relation to the expositionary nature of the interview and, one can conclude, the concrete evidence, and admission, of the David Wilcock fraud-plagiarism-copyright violations.

Hypesters, Lies and Mind Control

Hypesters, Lies and Mind Control
Anonymous Coward (OP)
User ID: 8621157
United States
02/26/2012 07:33 AM
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Re: David Wilcock Admits Fraud to William Henry !! (UPDATE!!!)
When I first set out to write this post about David Wilcock, I was optimistic, even excited. I thought, here's a big name in 2012 apocalypticism. Here's a guy who's going to give me some real meat to chew on. He has a following.

He has a slick website where he sells books and magazines. I thought, surely this guy will prove a worthier adversary than the scattered cranks who just sit around plagiarizing each other all day. Surely this guy will be above flaunting his own ignorance as brazenly as the other True Believers do. We're going to really get some good analysis of what is going on, I told myself.

So I pressed play on Wilcock's video. And within five minutes, my eyes had glazed over with tears. I wept, dear reader. I wept for the beleaguered state of rational discourse in the 21st century. I shed tears of darkest despair when I looked mad David Wilcock's image on my laptop square in the eye, and thought: this is the best they can do?

Or maybe those were tears of laughter. I can't remember exactly.

Yes, suffice it to say, David Wilcock is no different from the numerous schizoaffective pencil-peddlers (the link is just one example) who dominate the 2012 / New Age cultural milieu. I expected an intellectual sparring partner; I got a guy who looks for hidden messages in movie posters.

I wanted somebody who would put up a fight; I got a guy who uses a book that he read when he was seven years old as evidence for ESP. I wanted a challenge, and I got a guy who is very, very seriously challenged.

But please, do not think me merely dismissive. Watch his "science" yourself. If you can go more than three minutes without squirming, weeping, laughing uncontrollably, or vomiting, you will have proven yourself more restrained than I.

Then, after you are finished, I double-dog-dare you look me in the eye and say, "I take David Wilcock very, very seriously."

Here I will not give you an exhaustive list of everything that Wilcock does wrong, because such a list would take longer to read than the movie would take to watch. I will instead explain why Wilcock is such a disappointment- because he is just like all the others. His grasp of logic is so terrible, his fundamental research skills are nonexistent, and his willingness to draw ridiculous overarching conclusions from tiny, specific amounts of (often unverifiable or simply flat-out incorrect) 'evidence ' all conspire towards an unmistakable conclusion: David Wilcock is just not worth the time it would take to explain every single mistake he makes. Instead, we can tell him that his very thought processes themselves, the very way he evaluates evidence and arguments, is completely broken.

David Wilcock genuinely disappointed me, but at least he will be a helpful textbook for how not to get yourself a place at the table.

Wilcock's "research" is a wandering, meandering, unfocused whirligig complete guided tour through every single piece of bunkum, flim-flammery, hocus-pocus, nonsense, fluff, prattle, bullshit, and chicanery that exists in the established canon of 2012 apocalypticism. We get psychics. We get reincarnation. We get energy crystals. We get quantum this-and-that. Aliens. Ancient Mayans. Wormholes. Screenshots from the movie "Contact." It's all there. But if you asked me what "wilcock's science" was about exactly, I wouldn't be able to tell you, even though I've watched it a dozen times right now. It's just an aimless rant that tries to squeeze as much disconnected nonsense into a semicoherent narrative as possible.

And if you asked me about Wilcock himself...

There are certain modes of behavior or tendencies that people have that should make us suspicious straight from the outset. People who routinely make casual errors that could be corrected by even token amounts of research typically are people who have not done the research and who have no interest in doing the research. People who make sweeping generalizations about complicated topics in physics or mathematics (but who do not even once get into specific details about those topics) are probably trying to cover up the fact that they don't know what they're talking about; they speak quickly and casually to make it seem like what they're saying is totally obvious and very simple, even if it is total crap. People who habitually cite crappy, discredited research without explaining why are people who are ideologically committed to an "everything we know is wrong" mentality. They want you to believe without question that "the Establishment," meaning usually accepted solid science, is hiding something serious from you and that only the crank in question has The Truth.

And when they start telling you that they're the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, you know that you will never even be on the same planet, much less the same playing field. And if you've watched "Enigma," you know just what Wilcock thinks about himself vis-a-vis Edgar Cayce. It ain't pretty.

David Wilcock seems to think that he is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. Why does he think this? Well, because they look sort of like each other and some of Cayce's friends look sort of like Wilcock's friends. I am not kidding and this is not a simplification of the matter. Watch the movie from 3:32-4:15 and tell me that I'm being unfair here. He literally shows slide after slide of people from his life who look like people from Edgar Cayce's life and expects us to believe it.

That Wilcock is either massively self-deluded or a deliberate scam artist is apparent in his selection of the photos he has used for comparison. Notice for example that he used this photo (Cayce is on the left, Wilcock is on the right) and not, say, this one. The photo Wilcock used is black and white, so we can't compare eye color, hair color, or even skin color. They are just photos of the face, so we can't compare height or build. They are also both pictures where they both happen to be looking in the same direction with their mouths open the same amount. He even picked one where Cayce is wearing a hat so we can't compare what their hairstyles or hairlines are like.

The same is true for every other photo on this point that he shows. What's even funnier is that some of his pictures genuinely do not look similar.

But the worst part of this whole, agonizing segment is what it says about Wilcock as a person. His grandeur is so profound that, of the six billion or so people that world-renowned fraudulent huckster Edgar Cayce could have been reborn as, he had to choose David Wilcock. Forget that Wilcock's only evidence is that he thinks that certain, perfectly-angled photos look like each other. Just think of what kind of rocks it takes to say, with a completely straight face and full confidence, that one of your subculture's heroes lives inside your brain

The point I am trying to establish here is that David Wilcock is practically inviting us not to take him seriously. How am I supposed to engage rationally with someone who thinks that his dad is Edgar Cayce's dad (apparently your facial hair choices are preserved in the reincarnation process)? What kind of calm dialectical process can I work through with a guy who thinks that his college friend was Edgar Cayce's principal investor?

A callow disregard for even very basic detail is bad enough. He insults your intelligence by trying to summarize the theology of all major religions in a single sentence. He is assuming that you are as gullible as he is when he shows you that Edgar Cayce reincarnation crap (a point that, by the way, he never does anything with). Just being straight-up wrong is also a bad sign.

Daivid wilcock is a charlatan for the feeble minded and spiritually materialistic and corrupt. His ego is warning enough for many, but many get sucked in, until they figure out Wilcock's no refund policy.

buyer be warned, don't get "cocked" by Wilcock
Anonymous Coward (OP)
User ID: 8621157
United States
02/26/2012 07:37 AM
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Re: David Wilcock Admits Fraud to William Henry !! (UPDATE!!!)
be warned, don't get "cocked" by Wilcock

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8621157

David Wilcock is a psuedo guru, charlatan and rampant fucking idiot. This dude claims to be Edgar Cayce, Shakespeare and Pythagoras amongst many, many others. Noteably only famous people though lol. He puts out a bunch of 2012 bullshit on the web and basically takes you for a nice confusing, long winded ride, at your expense.

Here is just a sample of mr Wilcock heads drivel that I took from his website, he tries to pass himself off as this crusader for truth guided by mystical forces.., showing us what is really going on, for free!

~ Is The "Sleeping Prophet" Back? An Interview With David Wilcock8/17/99 RICK MARTIN ~ Wilcock: The whole reason why everything that I've published is free is so that as many people can get it as possible. That's what I was instructed to do by these Forces.

But then the story slips and we get an insight as to what David is really about, marketing.. Selling 'truth' like it's a commodity, calling spirituality and the truth an 'industry'. He shows his true colours, a metaphysical used car salesman, he's a salesman! Snake oil anyone?

[link to theshamansspiral.blogspot.com]

All of this has been taken from David Wilcocks own site. He can’t even keep his own story straight. I'm not even going to bother debunking his pathetic theories as he can't even prove them, and many others have done that very well. Google David Wilcock fraud scam. It's all there. Research your gurus people.

David Wilcock the "enlightened" guru wannabe, fake and fucking carnie claims he is Edgar Cayce (amongst a plethora of others) reincarnated. Here is Edgar Cayce himself on his next incarnation, enjoy.

Edgar Cayce on his next incarnation:

[link to theshamansspiral.blogspot.com]

Oh and Wilcock predicted that on October 14th 2008 a massive armada of UFO's would be seen worldwide in the skies lol, and that the US government would fully disclose all UFO information by the end of 2009. Obviously none of these things have happened, pretty good for the guy who claims 100% accuracy. There you have it, Wilcock is a joke.

Huge props to William Henry. I wondered why the two worked together a lot. Henry is the real deal. Great guy and straight up.

Then again, it's easy to hook up with the wrong folks once in the Entertainment/Education business. smile

Let's hope David Wilcock fades away soon. Don't think he will. His ego is too large, but eventually he will fall hard.
AnnuДата: Воскресенье, 04.03.2012, 19:21 | Сообщение # 2346
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Стало известно, что медики и исследователи в течении многих лет лгали и скрывали правду о масштабных исследованиях по мобильным телефонам. Использование домашних беспроводных телефонов и мобильных однозначно приводят к раку мозга.
Ссылка - http://electromagnetichealth.org/electro....icle-mn
AnnuДата: Воскресенье, 04.03.2012, 19:22 | Сообщение # 2347
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Солнце продолжает капризничать...:))) Очень длительная вспышка.

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sokolovaДата: Воскресенье, 04.03.2012, 21:59 | Сообщение # 2348
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Неизвестный похитил главную реликвию католического собора Христа в столице Ирландии Дублине - сердце жившего в XII веке святого Лоуренса О'Тула, который считается покровителем ирландской столицы.
bremДата: Понедельник, 05.03.2012, 18:59 | Сообщение # 2349
Транзитный пассажир
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Вспышки на Солнце сегодня

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bremДата: Вторник, 06.03.2012, 13:07 | Сообщение # 2350
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Капризы продолжаются

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sokolovaДата: Вторник, 06.03.2012, 13:10 | Сообщение # 2351
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Фигня-война, главное - манёвры! boxing
ВасяДата: Вторник, 06.03.2012, 20:36 | Сообщение # 2352
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От космических астрологов:

7 марта. У Юпитера с Землей трин, Меркурий в объединении с Венерой в 109 градусах от Урана и в квадрате с Сатурном. Активный сектор между двумя объединениями (Земля, Марс) и (Меркурий, Венера) составляет 55 градусов – половину грозного угла в 109 градусов. Объединение (Земля, Марс) составляет 109 градусов с Плутоном.

22 – 23 марта. Точная Т-структура: Уран – Плутон – Меркурий в объединении с Землей. Загружены три оси капсулы. День весеннего равноденствия.

Вот что интересно: Меркурий в объединении с Землей на оси капсулы. В 2005 году в день такого объединения 28 марта на Земле было отмечено 13 землетрясений выше 5 баллов, а одно из них – 8,7 балла на Суматре. Правда, там еще луч Юпитера был неподалеку...

sokolovaДата: Вторник, 06.03.2012, 21:45 | Сообщение # 2353
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Ага... всегда такие "без воды" астрологические тексты завораживали явно имеющейся подоплёкой...
Карина! А "картинка звёздного неба" ведь тоже не случайная... в общем и целом какие процессы она отыгрывает?
IsДата: Вторник, 06.03.2012, 21:48 | Сообщение # 2354
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Quote (sokolova)
в общем и целом какие процессы она отыгрывает?

Шифровки сценарные. Ну и маленькое развлечение для астрономов, чисто планетарий.
AnnuДата: Среда, 07.03.2012, 11:14 | Сообщение # 2355
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Вспышки класса Х, одна - Х 1.3, другая - Х5.4

Накануне насовцы заявляли, что вероятность таких вспышек не более 5 %.

Современная наука...:))))))))

Прикрепления: 6616945.png (13.5 Kb)

Сообщение отредактировал Annu - Среда, 07.03.2012, 21:45
AnnuДата: Среда, 07.03.2012, 21:48 | Сообщение # 2356
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Предыдущая вспышка достигла нас:

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AnnuДата: Среда, 07.03.2012, 23:47 | Сообщение # 2357
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Вспышка Х5.4 , видимо, хорошо пройдется по Землюшке.

Визуализация - http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSys....tId=261

и здесь

AnnuДата: Четверг, 08.03.2012, 16:51 | Сообщение # 2358
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Внимание, ожидается сильная магнитная буря!

8 марта Земля испытает на себе влияние сильной геомагнитной бури. Эксперты присвоили ей высшую категорию. Сильная вспышка произошла на Солнце накануне. В Москве и Петербурге можно будет увидеть полярное сияние. Магнитная буря на Земле будет ощущаться в течение суток. С подробностями для радио "Вести ФМ" - ведущий специалист центра погоды Фобос Леонид Старков.

Старков: Мы уже испытали один удар солнечного вещества, который произошёл в минувшие сутки и также привёл к магнитной буре, правда, среднего класса. Буря началась в 9 часов по московскому времени и продолжалась 12 часов, до 21 часа. В максимум воздействия, который наблюдался дважды - с 9 до 12 и с 15 до 18 - буря достигала уровня G2 из пяти возможных. Как видите, мы пока живы. Следующая магнитная буря прогнозируется у нас сегодня. Она будет происходить из-за потока солнечного ветра, который был выброшен из области 1429. Это произошло вчера в 4 часа утра по московскому времени. И прогнозируется, что эта магнитная буря будет более сильной. Она будет сопровождаться вспышками полярных сияний и не только в полярных широтах, как это обычно бывает. Аналитики космического центра НАСА, прогнозируют, что они могут быть на всех широтах. И, если повезёт, а погода сейчас во многих областях России стоит малооблачная, то можно будет увидеть редкое природное явление - полярное сияние даже в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге и, может быть, на широте Сочи.

"Вести ФМ": Да вы что? Ничего себе. Скажите, а на здоровье это как-то влияет?

Старков: Магнитные бури проявляются во всех сферах жизнедеятельности и самым неожиданным образом. Я только что слышал в новостях, что самолёт прервал взлёт.

"Вести ФМ": Да, было.

Старков: Это может быть одним из проявлений. Могут не заводиться автомобили. У кого-то могут быть неполадки со здоровьем. В общем, всё, что хочешь, может происходить. Но чёткого прогноза тут составить не возможно.

"Вести ФМ": Понятно. Скажите, а полярные сияния, о которых вы говорите, когда их будет лучше всего видно?

Старков: Прогнозируется, что буря начнётся в 10 часов по Москве плюс-минус 7 часов.

"Вести ФМ": 10 часов - вы имеете в виду вечера? Старков: Нет, утра. "Вести ФМ": Уже началась она, то есть.

Старков: По идее, должна быть. Но видите, тут такой разброс: плюс-минус 7 часов. Потому как сложности с прогнозом перемещения коронального вещества от Солнца к Земле. Но, в любом случае, в вечернее время, с наступлением тёмного времени суток она ещё должна будет иметь место. И поэтому наблюдать полярное сияние лучше, конечно, в северном сегменте небосвода при ясной погоде и вдали от засветки, от больших городов, которые создают крупную засветку.

Полную версию интервью смотрите в видео выше.
AnnuДата: Пятница, 09.03.2012, 10:49 | Сообщение # 2359
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На магнитную бурю наложилась новая сильная вспышка.


А еще и праздники...:))))))

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FreyjaДата: Пятница, 09.03.2012, 21:20 | Сообщение # 2360
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